Friday, November 11, 2005

something different...

Okay. I've pretty much kept my political rants quiet, but it's really burnin' my ass, what I'm seeing & hearing around the news, tv, blogs, everywhere, so I'm finally gonna let loose, and say what I think...
First of all, a neat website...

Well...I'm not a "warmonger", I don't like us being in a war any more than other people do. But, let me say, it honestly was NOT America's choice to do this, was it? I've heard it said that the reason for all the increasing terrorism in the world is because we're in Iraq. Hmmmm. So THAT'S why the world trade center was attacked on 9/11/01, huh. I always wondered. Even though the war didn't start til 2003, I guess the terrorists must've read our minds, huh. And I do NOT think there's any question that Saddam was all for the 'jihadists' having training camps in his country. Yes, a lot of it was in Afghanistan, and we did take care of that area first. And, yes, democracy IS hard for ANY country to build. But think of this...the last time Afghanistan had a free vote was, like, oh, 5000 years ago. So...does anyone think that part of the war should not have been taken care of? Yep, cuz that's where we thought Osama was...we didn't find him...but, maybe that opened some eyes to how BAD things were in that part of the world. And, this is a bunch of BULLSHIT when people say "Bush lied! There were no 'WMD' there!" Holy shit!! If this war was wrong, then why did 100 congresspeople vote for it?? They ALL saw the very same information that the president did! The wimpy UN voted for this to be done too. Even though Saddam had broken 12 previous resolutions. Took them long enough, didn't it? Here's something I wrote a long time ago, before there were blogs...
What the hell is up with our so-called allies?? France has absolutely refused to back up the resolution (1441)…as have Russia, Germany, China, etc! Okay…well, France, if we would’ve done the same to you some decades ago, you wouldn’t be sitting around at your fancy cafes, drinking champagne, & eating your truffles. You’d be drinking beer, and eating wienerschnitzel…and, oh yeah, don’t forget…you’d be speaking GERMAN too!! You were kind enough to give us the Statue of Liberty long ago, which had an inscription on it saying “Give us your tired, your hungry, etc…” Well…even though we’ve been attacked since then, we’ve tightened our borders up, but we still live by that! We have a smart president who sees a threat across the world, and wants to take care of it right now, for not only our safety, but also the safety of the world! Well, France, let me ask your so-called leader Jacques Chirac…if you had a chance to take Hitler out so many years ago…wouldn’t you have? Or, well, maybe not. But you would have come to the USA for help, wouldn’t you?

Okay...that was written in about 2003, but it's still true.
And as for the 'Islamic extremists', being terrorists, and America being the 'bad guys' to all Muslims? Well...which country opened its pockets wide to the Muslim county of Indonesia after the terrible tsunami after Christmas last year? And who was right there helping the Muslim country of Pakistan after that HUGE earthquake, with money, people, supplies? Uh-huh. America the Beautiful. And that was after an awful summer of hurricanes that took out thousands of people's homes, lives, pets, everything! In our own country. And, so, who did the 'jihadists' kill the other day (which was, if you write the date in the European way, 9/11/05!)? They did at least 3 suicide bombs, to kill Muslims in Amman, Jordan. Hmmmm....who did the killing of the Muslims? Not the Americans, unless they happen to be part of 'Al Qaeda in Iraq'. Sure, it was American hotels. But, at least one of the homicide bombers made it a fuckin' point to go into a hall where a Muslim wedding is going on, and sit in the middle of the family, so he could kill the largest number of Muslims that he could! The bride's father and the groom's father were killed. Can you even imagine what it would be like to not go on your honeymoon because your dad & your future step-dad were killed at your wedding and you had to go to their funerals instead?? That's not a real common occurance here, is it? Maybe that's because of tiny little things like The Patriot Act, and the other laws our country has enacted, did anyone think of THAT SHIT?? It's not the same world it was back in the 1950's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's...AND it's not the President's fault! The economy goes up & down, if you look back you'll see it. And I would really be interested if ANYONE could tell me how we could have actually avoided war on terrorists. Do you actually think they would have sat down at a table and just talked with us? How stupid would that have been to expect? Someone who already blew up the World Trade Center....twice! And then blew up embassies in Kenya & Tanzania? And then, well, that didn't scare 'em off, let's try flying their airplanes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the Capital building, or the White House! Yeah, that's it! And in the process, they succeeded in killing about 3,000 people...and we're supposed to...GIVE THEM A CHANCE, AND TALK?? God help America...
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

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