Wednesday, December 14, 2005

another vacation with kim...

...and my parents & me...

Mom & Dad decided we should all go to Seven Springs ski resort & lodge one time, in Pennsylvania, but nobody was even interested in skiing, had never done it, never wanted to do it, nothing! Oh. Which is probably the reason we went in the autumn, when the trees were so beautiful, that even as smartass, bitchy 14 or 15 year olds, we were amazed, and spent all kinds of time walking through the woods together, pointing out the best trees, etc. Then we'd go in to the restaurant and meet mom & dad for dinner, then we'd all go out to the huge lobby area in the middle, and sit in front of the huge fire in the stone fireplace in the middle of the room, and drink hot chocolate for a couple of hours. That was some good times. We even all got along, just talked about what we'd all done that day, and we weren't even bitchy!! (way out of character for Kim & I!)

So, after that, Kim & I would go back to our (separate, again!) room, and get our bathing suits on and go downstairs to the big indoor pool, and swim til it closed around midnight...and, of course, flirt with every even kinda cute guy that was down there too. One night late in the week, the night before we were going home, we met a couple of really cute guys (18 year old guys, of course...or so they said, anyway), and when the pool closed, they walked us back to our room (how gentlemanly, huh?), so we asked them in and we all still sat around bullshitting for another few hours...and nobody even had beer! We finally decided it was geting really late, and it was time for them to go, but they gave us their addresses (fake, I'm sure!) and told us to write them (ya, right!). Then after we each had our kiss-fest with our guy, they told us their room number and left. And we sat on our beds and swooned over those dreamy older guys who really, really liked us, and were interested in us!! OMG!! How stupid and lucky can 2 young girls get?? They may have been 30 year old rapists who planned to axe-murder us after the rape festivities were done...

The next day, while Mom & Dad were checking out, Kim remembered that she'd forgotten to give her address to 'her guy' . So, while they were busy checking out, we ran to the other side and found their room. Knocked, nobody answered, so....Kim dug a key or a pen or something out of her purse, and, in all her infinite wisdom, actually carved her first and last name and address on the big, heavy, beautiful door!! We totally died laughing, and I even took a picture of it! (which, sadly, has been lost...)

BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

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