Thursday, September 27, 2007

thursday already? time flies when you just don't care about it anymore... THIS is a one story house I do like...

...this is too

...and this is one of the big old trees down by our old middle school (that all three of us had gone to at one time or another)...the fact that the sidewalk is built 'around' the tree so as not to disturb it, says a lot to me! This is also one of the 2 brick streets in our town (the brick part is back behind me).

It's probably been the most miserable year of my life so far...I've written about a lot of it but not about the worst of it...nor will I...on a blog...said all I want about that...

Psycho & I, and Bro's son had to go out to Mom;s nursing home yesterday for a meeting with all the physical therapists, social workers, and everyone that works with Mom. Bro couldn;t go cuz he & his wife were in AZ on vacation, and if there's anyone who deserves a vacation right now, it's him! That's why his son went instead, and I also asked Tif if she wanted to go. I had already set up a ride out there on the city bus, but I thought I oughtta ask Tif if she wanted to go, cuz she was so close to Mom. She did, so I canc the bus and we rode together. We weren't sure what the meeting was about, but it was just an update on how Mom was doing. It really kind of was depressing, cuz they all said she was doing worse now than she was when she came there...more confused, doesn't think or talk as well, or do physical therapy as willingly...And, thank goodness for Bro & his son, cuz Bro had told his son to make sure he asked the nurses if Coke was really all that bad for Mom. Cuz, everyone but Psycho had the same opinion..."if I'm 84 years old and I want a Coke, and that's what would make me happy, if my kids love me, they'll make damn sure I have it!!". And all the nurses there said the same thing...hmmm..but after they left the room, Psycho said "Oh, whatta they know??", all crabby & shit. I could NOT hold my tongue, I turned on him and said "I am SO sick of people who know NOTHING about any kind of health bullshit that anyone's living with (including myself!), thinking they know a whole helluva lot more than anyone who lives with it, or a health professional who's gone to college for this!!". GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

You know what? I don't think I oughtta be writing on here right now, what I have to say is more for my personal diary...I'll write when I feel happier..


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