Tif brought Talan over yesterday! They were here all day, cuz Tif's nnot going back to being a hairstylist full time & she's only gonna do the dr's office on Saturdays. Good for her!! Look at Talan...he wants his Mommy! (& she wants him too!...can you blame either one??)
She's still selling Mary Kay, & she's gonna clean houses for people...I'll pay her for that! & I always get Mary Kay stuff! She cleaned here so well yesterday, even did about 5 loads of laundry! It's damn near sterile in here now! hahahaha!
Talan's hair is the same color as mine..reddish blonde!
So, yeah, I've actually been busy lately, attorneys, attorneys, attorneys...ergo, yadayadaya...
There's about 6 inches of snow on the ground now bleeeeaaaaaah! I am SO done with winter!!!
So, I don't have insurance after March 10. But whatever, I'm figuring all this out as it goes along...the great news is that I still feel really good, since I quit taking tysabri! And, actually, I got a needle biopsy Tuesday. I hurried up & got it ASAP when I found out Kev's job was gonna be gone at the end if the month. The needle biopsy really isn't quite as painful as it sounds. I think a lot of it is if you really like your dr., & trust her to stick a needle in your throat! I'll find out the results in a few days.
Bro's company does have a website. Which is good, if you need a business remodeled...http://stevensconstruction.net/
We were on the phone today, and he has as much attitude as ME at treasury secretary, "Timmy" Geithner. I guess what brought the subject up was me talking about doing my taxes, get it? I'm basically at the point "As soon as I see the secretary of the treasury do HIS taxes, I'll file mine..."
Haloscan quit its comments, so I spent all day today figuring out all kinda stuff in html..I still can't get rid of the bunch of numbers at the bottom...help?
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!