Well, now I'm making it official, my life IS truly a whole shitload of random stuff that would never happen to anyone else!
Kim and I have been getting together as much as we can again, and that's good...I know exactly what she's going thru, but I have no answers for her, except "Life happens, you just need to know you CAN get through this, and you WILL!!" Because, obviously, for most people, life NEVER ends up going the way you always thought it would! And, that's what keeps it exciting...I guess...:-/. Yeah, it might be hard and suck at times, but, there's always a tomorrow, and usually there's something else to laugh about! And it's really important to understand you HAVE to be able to laugh at yourself too! Honestly, if you're too "high & mighty" (read 'elite' here) to laugh at yourself, I'd want nothing to do with you. Kim reminds me of this stuff every day! There was the time I'd asked her to bring over bathroom cleaning supplies, etc for me...she said okay, then half an hour later I hear a car door slam out front. I went to the front sliding glass door & opened it, and there's Kim, running across the parking lot, yelling "Dah-dah-dah-dah-dumm!! In the melody to Scrappy Doo, singing Puppy Power!! Oh. and waving a plunger in the air :-) How could you NOT laugh???
...last night's 'random' happened after trick or treating out here at the apartments...It was from 5 til 6:30, and Kim came here to pass out candy bars with me (mini ones), & there were probly 100 kids altogether, &, OMG, she had more fun than the kids! I didn't even think about it, but she's never been able to hand out candy before! She's always lived in the country since 8th grade! Anyway, we had fun...we were sitting there watching the parade of kids go by, and saw two kinda sleazy dressed girls go down the street, and we looked at each other, and Kim said "Holy shit, there's Libby & Kim!" lolol!
So, she left around 7, & I ordered dinner from the ok pizza & barbeque (their barbecue nachos are the best! regular nachos with barbecued shredded pork as the meat..mmmmmmmmmm!). So I was sitting here, lol'ing at Two & a half men, and thought I heard something outside the door. So what do I do? Well, I went over & opened the door. Nobody there...but then I looked down...there was a freaking ANIMAL walking in my door!! At first I thought it was a rat or something, but it was white & furry & soft looking, & had a furry tail about 3 inches long, not a long hairless tail. Oh, and by the way...I was barefoot! So it waltzed its way on in here, while I just stupidly sat in my wheelchair. I finally woke up to this thing that I was actually seeing, & went over & got a phone, & called Kev...asked if he was busy, and if he wasn't, could he please come over & get this animal out of my house? It freaked him out a little too, especially since I didn't know what it was. He said when I said it had a little white tail...well, maybe it's a kitten...No...it has a triangle-shaped face...
Well, I left the front door open, & followed it around in here while it explored. It did make sure it stopped at Truman's food bowl for a snack, squeezed under the door to the pantry...when it started heading back to the bedrooms, I cut it off at the hallway, and started kicking it back to the front of the house...yes, kicking it in the face with bare feet...stoopid, but nothing happened. I finally got it close to the front door, gave it one last boot in the face to get it out, then shut the door!! WooHoo!! Then I listened, and it was frantically scratching to get back in!! wow. Just unbelievable! I heard Kev pull in a couple minutes later. He came in and asked where it was & I said I already got it out...he went out the sliding glass door, & around to the front door and looked and said "That's a ferret, someone's pet! No wonder it was so tame & friendly!" Never a dull moment here in my life, right?
I don't know, I think all of our lives are random even as we try to order them.
joeyk, isn't that the truth??
I've never had a ferret come over to play. Sounds like fun!
That's freaking hilarious! Libby-Girl you are the queen of interesting. You lead a charmed life. I get what you mean about life. They say the people who live long lives are the ones who adapt to new realities. Instead of sitting down and crying that things changed, they roll up their sleeves and figure a new life based on the new guiding force. You, my dear, shall lead a very long and very charmed life. I don't blame the ferret one bit for wanting to come and hang out at Libby-Girl's place. It's a happening scene. :-) Have a happy Halloween, sweets!
thomas, i just looked up ferrets on wikipedia, and it seems like that's exactly what he wanted to do! the article talked about how inquisitive & playful they are...but i'd rather have truman...
autumnforest-yeah...i always think of the chinese curse 'may you lead an interesting life'...lol! i must've really pissed off someone there, huh?? naaaahhhh...interesting is good, just CRAZY!
Libby-Girl's place. It's a happening scene. :-)
I've never seen a ferret up close. I've heard they make good pets, but their very ratlike appearance creeps me out.
If he crashed my front door, I'm sure my cats and dog would have their way with him.
webster, honey, I'VE never seen a ferret before, either!! that is, until this VERMIN sauntered in my front door!!
I am LOL'ing about the post and comments.
Don't they have a leash law at the apartment complex? I think ALL animals are required to be on leashes.
Even ferrets. LOL.
sherry...lol! you're just jealous, right?? everyone wants a rat-looking creature moseying in their front door!!
Libby, when a rat (either human or vermin) I try to keep the door tightly closed!
LOL...you crack me up!
P.S. I wonder if we can impose a leash law for certain kinds of people....
Wow, that certainly is random. At least it wasn't a scary animal, that's for sure. At first I thought it might be a skunk eek! Glad Kim had fun passing out candy. That's the best.
If Kim were waving a plunger, humming the theme from Scooby Doo, AND wearing glasses and short hair, she could just pretend to be Velma gone mad for Haloween.
meg..that was a fun halloween here at my first one at my apt!
x-dell..by God, she COULD'VE been a velma look-alike!!
I remember the day I came home to find a bat on my TV - and I mean on not in. Have had monkeys steal food too. Never been able to ferret out a ferret yet.
sj...wow, i dont know if i'd be more scared of a monkey or a ferret!! as soon as i get my cam & pix set back up, i'll post some pix of "my personal ferret"!
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Hey! I read this post before and commented. That blogger. It ate my comment.
I love this post. I never, ever had a ferret visit me. Hrmpf.
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