November?? Already??? And....no more daylight saving time???? Crap!! The only thing sadder would be the end of January!
But...the coolest thing was that I was able to go to WalMart online & order some Christmas presents for Talan...just little toys I can keep here for when he's here.
We already got snow flurries here, but up by Cleveland, they got the 'lake effect' snow, and had 3 inches of snow yesterday.
My friend from school came over & took me out to grocery shop & go to the bank Friday, and we were out for about an hour & laughed & compared stories, since it HAS been since 30 years ago that we've even seen each other!! I totally freaked her out, though...I said, you grew up at XXX "this street", didn't you? She stopped the car & looked at me, and said "how'd you know that??" Well, really, I don't have a freakin' clue as to how I remember numbers! But pretty much, once I know a number, I won't forget it! Seriously. I still remember every phone number I've ever had...most of my old boyfriends' #'s & birthdays...So, guys...be careful what you tell me...social security #s, etc...hahaha...I'm totally joking about that...I know how to keep my mouth shut...
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!
You've got your ex-s numbers all right ;)
It's funny, my memory is more hit and miss. I remember the address and phone number of the house I grew up in and the addresses of my grandma and nearest aunt. I remember the address of my first apt but not my own first phone #. I remember the address of my husband's (and our first) apt, but not the second one. Why do I remember some things and not other just as unimportant things? You tell me. (j/k_
That's funny!
I'm more like Webster, what I remember is hit and miss.
Yes, November already? But it is now warm. We haven't had our wintry blast yet. Feels weird!
Man, that's awesome. I suck at numbers!
Ugh, we had some flurries, too. I'm not ready for snow!
Christmas decorations and music are wonderful.
I don't even know my own cell phone number. When someone needs it, I ask for their number, then I call them, and then they can save my number on their phone.
My brain is full. No more information. But I do remember numbers when I want to. What?? I never call myself, so it doesn't matter what my phone number is. Wait. What were we talkin' about?
sj...yup, maybe that's why i made them my exes so quickly...;-)
webster, it is awfully funny, cuz i don't like anything to do with math or numbers...
sherry, yeah, now we're getting ready for a week of Indian summer weather, gonna be in the high 60s at the end of the week!
meg, trust me, i suck at numbers...except when i memorize them!
tlp,i don't know my cell # either!
Hey Libby-Girl;
You are so much further ahead than me. I haven't even planned what to do for Thanksgiving. First time in 26 years I'm not cooking the supper. In fact, I might be spending it alone. That'll be very weird--first time in my entire life. Well, it's a year of firsts for this gal. I'm digging all of them, except the part where I don't have a guy to curl up with all weekend. Argh! I'll remedy that in the future, no doubt. I hope you're staying warm, missy, and doing well. I am thriving. Divorce is officially through this week and I get my wonderful maiden name again. Oh, life is so goooood! :-)
autumn...i'm not sure what i'm doing for thanksgiving yet, either...for heaven's sake, sweety, i bought 3 presents for a 9 month old grandson...exactly how much WORK do you think that was??? :-D! & congrats on getting the name back so quick!
Glad you had a great day out with a friend. Numbers are my thing too. Wanted to be an accountant for a long time and ended up in sales. I guess I wanted the numbers on my paycheck. haha !
hehehe I'm not great with numbers myself...
And ya it feels like November completely here now =[ I want summer back!
Have a great week Libby! x
We got flurries up this way too. I hate losing daylight, it brings me down. Fuck setting clocks back.
So you're good with numbers? How about doing my taxes next year?
cathy, if you had the time, i'm sure you could get big bucks for being a tax preparer!
helene, happy holidays in advance, if i dont see ya b4 then!! & a big ol' hug!
ricardo, you don't want me to do your taxes...i'm no better than turbo tax cheat, tim geithner...'cept i'm no tax cheat...nor am i the flippin' treasury secretary...& i HATE losing daylight!! GRRRRRR!!
Daylights saving time has me all confused. I'm waking up at 3 am going "it's really 4 am" but it's NOT.
But it should be.
sherry, i'm with you! darkness sucks being here at 5 or 6!
I can remember all my numbers too, but I can't remember where I put those damn car keys.
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