Saturday already?? Wow...I'm eating all day now...& yes, I'm being careful...I can actually feel myself being heavier (ok, maybe I'm only 90 lbs, but, I'm working at it, as hard as other people try to lose...don't judge... :-/)
My aide made me 2 grilled cheese sandwiches for breakfast...ok, well, it was lunchtime...then my neighbor brought me a big bowl of goulash ( in halloween...)
Speaking of halloween...I was SO disappointed! I only got like 10 or 15 kids here!! And here I had all this really funny candy & toys! I was chasing the kids down in my w/c..."Wait, take more!! And don't forget your coffin full of bones!!" But I called a pastor the next day & had him come out & pick up the rest of it, & donate it to Turning Point (battered women's & kids shelter). Who needs stupid Halloween candy more than those kids?
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!
I say the same thing about me trying to gain is not easy. We did not have any trick or treaters but we did not expect any. Really nice that you donated the candy
We still have candy left over. We had it on hand for the kids, but none of them showed up. I guess that's the first real sign that your house looks relly creepy at night, I guess.
Others have been eating the candy. I hardly got any.
Catching up, I'm sure you have to be honored to have a street named after you.
kim, this is an apartment complex, & there are 4 or 5 streets out here, & like 1000 apts, most are 2 or 3 br...last year i had about 100 kids, but it wasnt cold & rainy, either...
x, i was the person that doesnt give chocolate bars, but coffins & gummy ear wax & 'witchy warts' are WAY more fun, anyway!
and, i was still the cute baby sister back when g was designing those streets & engineering & all, so i never really thought about it, i guess...
I say the same thing about me trying to gain is not easy. We did not have any trick or treaters but we did not expect any. Really nice that you donated the candy
فني تركيب ستائر بالرياض
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كما توفر شركة تركيب ستائر بالرياض مجموعة من الإكسسوارات المميزة جدا والتي تجعل من القطع أجزاء مميزة لا غنى عنها بأي شكل من الأشكال كما توفر الشركة كافة هذه الخدمات من خلال أفضل الأسعار المطروحة في الأسواق التي تنافس بها كافة الشركات المحيطة مع جودة في مستوى الخدمة وتحرص شركة تركيب ستائر بالرياض على التواصل مع العملاء بشكل مستمر لمعرفة كل ما هو جديد
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