BoUnCeS!! LibbY!
It's almost October!!! Yah-hoo!!
Well, Truman's still at Dr Y's. His liver was biopsied yesterday, but they don't have the results back yet. I talked to Dr Y at 4:45 pm, and asked him how's Trumie, & if he was eating yet...he is one of the nicest & most understanding people I know. He said, no, he still won't eat, they're having to syringe-feed him. And then he said the results may not be in until Monday! I kinda groaned, and asked if it would be ok if I left him there til the results were back, just because I'm having a pretty big ms relapse, and I can't hold Truman with one hand, and feed him with the other at the same time...shit, I have a hard time eating myself, when I feel like this!...ugggghhhh....but he was all, "That's fine! Don't worry about it!" It's probly gonna cost, but he's with people I trust, & that makes it worth it.
And my pretty little baby Tiffany will be 27 Oct 2...wow...where did the time go? Now she's a great enthusiastic mommy too! And in college to be a labor & delivery room nurse! She'll be the best at it, cuz she's very empathetic. I know I was very blessed to have her. But I'll never forget taking her up to Findlay to be babysat by my friend in the summer of '94 when I worked up there...Driving up was nice, I listened to WJR talk radio, & after about half an hour of extra sleep, Tif would wake up & tell me all the dreams she'd had the night before...they were always interesting...especially the one where she had been being chased around by a giant injection needle! Then every evening when we came back to Marion after I worked all day at the store up there, she told me about the fun she had with Kris's kids. When we drove in from 23, at that time, there was a farm (right across from where my apartment is!), and there were always cows out by the fence...Tif always rolled her window down and yelled "MOO!!" at them...great times!
Happy Birthday, Tiffany! I love you!
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!
Truman is still familiarizing himself with all the different places he can get to in here! And, if you'll notice on the picture where he's all stretched out, he's maybe retaining his 'boyish figure'...after all, he's only eaten maybe half a bowl of food since we moved here! Of course, there are quite a few spiders here, so maybe he's snacking on those? Naaahhhhh, they're big & so scary I saw one turn around & look at him, and he turned around and ran! That's okay, I got it for him...
Seriously, when Tif & Talan were here the other day, I was in the living room with Talan, watching him crawl for the first time ever!!, Tif was in the kitchen getting a cream soda pop, & I faintly recall hearing her say "Dear God, that's the biggest spider I EVER saw!" If I hadn't been all gaga over Talan crawling, I might've paid more attention!! Duhhhh...
And I'm happy as heck that a guy came from the phone company today (Frontier phone co)...he hooked service up outside at the main line, then came in & checked all my phones to make sure they all worked. Yeah, he was eye candy too, and that didn't hurt any...hehe...we actually had a nice conversation about our favorite ice cream flavors...seeing as how I felt I had to give a perfunctory explanation of why I had a second refrigerator in my bedroom (he was checking the phones, you dirty minded people!)!
Well, my neighbor from across the street from my old house sent me a FB message today...he's moving in here, 2 apartments down! That's funny! I'll be able to be a neighbor without him having to shovel my sidewalk & take my trash out & everything! And Truman's gonna love having his old friend come over to pet him!
The apartment management is going to install shower bars in each bathroom next week. WooHoo! And I got my first piece of mail addressed to me at this address today. The squeeze bottle of honey I ordered from Mayden the beekeeper! I take that as a big sign of good luck!
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!