ahahahaha....I LOVE the radio guy, Mancow! Even when he says something mean about a Republican, it's still funny...I like John Boehner...but I can't keep a straight face when I hear someone call him "Weeper of the House" or Mancow just referred to him as "Boo-Hoo Boehner"! Yes, usually the news has been anything BUT good lately, but if you hear everything with an offbeat sense of humor, well...it's fun, anyway.
And I can't help but feel that Obama is misleading people when he says the highest income earners in America shouldn't get the extended 'Bush-era tax cuts'. Which, by the way, go to the families that have an income of $250,000 +...not the "MILLIONAIRES & BILLIONAIRES", that he kept emphasizing in his "first campaign speech for the 2012 election". You have to realize the difference between a 'quarter of a million' & a million...he's either trying to talk down to all of us & make us feel stupid...or (an even worse idea), he's actually that stupid, & he's our president:-/
And, no, I don't know who I want for our next president in 2012...but I'm halfway there...I know who I don't want...
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!
I have no idea why Republicans hate Obama so much. He extended the Bush tax cuts to the wealthy (Just like John McCain promised), expanded the wars in Central Asia (Just like John McCain promised), gave huge bailouts to Wall Street (Just like John McCain promised), kept Gitmo open (Just like John McCain promised), refused to prosecute those who illegally tortured suspects (Just like John McCain promised), spent over a billion dollars building a fence between the US and Mexico (Just like John McCain promised).
The ones who ought to be furious with him are the Democrats.
Don't worry- he's not really going to raise taxes on the wealthy. Wait and watch.
thomas, i don't have the depth of emotion to say i hate him...underqualified for the job, inept at doing it, & arrogant enough to think he really CAN fool all the people all the time...
I'll just say hello.
x, thanks, friend! hi to you, too!!
Don't tell me you would vote for Donald Trump...or Palin...??? LOL
Thanks for stopping by. I always appreciate your comments.
Have a great day :-))
doris, doris, doris...(giggle)!
trump doesnt have the patience...i like palin (still am offended at how the progressives attack her, but...she'll never get elected...i'm waiting for huckabee...or chris christie (in a few years)...i'm just tired of all the haters!!
It's always fun (and easy) to say something mean about a republican.
haha, sj...if repubs say snything mean, WE'RE racist, bible thumping bigots...sheesh...
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