So, see? That up there at the top left is total proof that Truman got all health-checked last week! I mean, the guy is so unbelieveably healthy...not a flea, nothin'! The only thing they said was that he needs to come back for a tooth-cleaning in the fall...he has tartar...:-/ And, how's this for synchronicity...he's 11 1/2 years old...weighs 11 1/2 lbs!
Then there's Tif & Mr Handsome...& at the bottom is my nephew's dog...she's so pretty! Stella, I think that's her name!
Do you know people who have grown up in the same family, but all live totally different ways? And don't you wonder how & why that happens? I just like to wonder about why stuff like that happens...cuz, personality-wise, Bro & I are the fun, outgoing personalities...the other...no. But Bro won't live in town for anything! Ever since he & his wife got married (I was only 12!), they had their first house in town, and lived in that for a few years, then sold that, & got their huge, old drafty, but beautiful 3 story old farmhouse & barns in the middle of cornfields...really...neat...but I would never want to live 10 or 15 miles out of town. The outside of the house & yards & barns was just a scary movie waiting to be written! Then a few years ago, they moved from there to 10 or 15 miles out of town in the opposite direction! It's a totally different looking house, very modern...no cornfields, it's just on a few acres of woods...but what happens if you wake up at 3 am some night craving Twinkies? Huh? Whatcha gonna do then? I spend most of my life worrying about stuff that's never gonna happen...well, maybe it won't happen cuz I already have a plan...I know that when Tif & I had our second apartment when she was about 2, I planned like crazy because we lived here in Marion, I drove to work every day an hour north...Heck, I even planned what if someone broke in & tried to get us? I don't have a gun, or anything, but the first thing I did was put my trusty Ginsu knife up on top of a picture frame in my bedroom. It was a framed 8X10 pic a friend took of Pilot Mountain in NC! Never had to use it, but, I always knew it was there.
Now everybody can see exactly what 3 grams of iv steroids does to your brain in 3 days to be followed by 6 days of oral prednisone...my brain works TOO fast then!
Well, Kevin1's son called at 1 this afternoon to ask if I wanted him to work on my mowing and I guess there's a lot of yard junk, like tall grass & wood out back behind the fence beside the garage & the alley. I never knew it was there, cuz, well, I can't walk out & look....but the health dept guy showed up here a few weeks ago, and said they'd received a complaint about the grass in my yard being too high! I felt bad for that nice guy, having to come here and bitch out a woman who came to the door in a wheelchair, cuz her lawn needed work...:-D. So I was im'ng with Kevin1 til about 430am, and I had said something about it , and he said he'd ask his son if he'd do it...And, OMG, he did! Wow...just wow...seriously, I still haven't got together with him, and it was way too hot to do the 4th of July thing with him & his wife...(and maybe their girlfriend...)...not for me, but, if it works for them, I'm happy for them! People are so nice, I'm amazed all the time! I just must be the luckiest person, cuz I never meet up with bitchy people.