I've just been sitting around remembering stuff that we did to each other at work 20-some years ago, that made everybody die laughing...Like the time that I was mopping the floor in my produce aisle. The acting store manager, Mark, rounded the corner in a hurry to get something, and WUMP!, he went down...so I did the only natural thing to do...went over & grabbed the p.a. & announced "Mark down in produce!"
Then almost every weekend we all went out drinking, we all HAD to stop at the Dairy-Mart on the way back to my date's mom & dad's house so we could all get chips & junk food. And, of course, the guy I was with was the guy that thought he could do everything. Hmph...So I can't even imagine the fear those clerks felt when they saw us coming...7 or 8 drunk-ass fools! John always made a beeline for the place you make your own nachos, & made a huge plate then he'd grab a can of pop & a couple candy bars, like the rest of us...the difference was, the rest of us would pay right away, John would start eating right then...! We'd all bitch him out, but he'd say I won't get in trouble unless I leave...
I had to laugh at that one.
Oh Libby!
You're a riot. I remember working for the Postal Service back in the days when it was Civil Service. It was in New Orleans next door to the Superdome. You know, the infamous one.
Anyway we got off work at 2 am and go down to the French Quarter. My, my, my...the things I saw! (and have never seen again and hope to nev-vah!) It was shocking and I'm no prude, LOL!
Dang, you were just talking about produce and nachos....
I mean maybe I shouldn't have opened my big mouth lol.
sherry...thanks so much!! it's really GOOD to know i'm not alone in doing bad stuff...& LOL'ing at it!!
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