Sunday, February 08, 2009

February...even more hated than November...

Yup...This is the "after effect" of the beautiful snow we had. Well, I guess you have to take the bad if you get the good, no matter how sucky it is, right? It's been really warm this weekend, like lower 40's...and Monday and the rest of the week are going to be high 40's/low 50's!! Which is good...but it's gonna be ugly and rainy
for the next couple days...
Speaking of which...did everyone hear about the 138 people who were ice fishing this weekend on Lake Erie, and the 8-mile ice floe they were on broke off and they were on it? Holy crap. I know the police chief of Oak Harbor (neat little town...I used to take Tif up there in the summers when she was 10 or 11, just to swim and chase seagulls and everything...there and Port Clinton!) said they were idiots for going out on the ice now, and I pretty much have to agree with that. Come on! Ice fishing must be a really neat thing to do, but...even I know that you shouldn't go out on a lake that looks frozen over...on the warmest weekend Ohio has had in months!! Sheesh...
Wow, I haven't thought about Port Clinton in a long time!That town was just a good time! Of course, I only went in the summer, it might just be cold and miserable in the winter, like the rest of Ohio is?
When I had a job at the first grocery store I worked at (actually, that was my first job I'd ever had), Tif was about 18 months old, and I ended up getting a vacation the year after I was hired (was still just a cashier, learning to do the books for the store know, the more you learn at a job, the more hours they'll give you! Even if you never wanted to be a bookkeeper,when you're 19 and making $3.50 an hour, part time,with a little baby at home, if that's what you have to do for more hours...). My friend Kelly and I decided to take that week and go up to Port Clinton for the week, and I left Tif with Mom and Dad. So we went to Port Clinton, and got a cheap motel room in a motel on their little beach (& I AM talking cheap! Like, maybe $20 a night?). But we weren't going to be sitting around in the room anyway. We had a lot of fun that week! Went out drinking at the bars, and partying with the cute guys we met up there, took one day and went to Cedar Point amusement park...that was the BEST! Because I had gone there at least once every summer since I was like, 2 or 3! And until this time, I never realized how much the drive up there took out of you! It's about a 3 hour drive from here, which isn't horrible, but still. But from Port Clinton, it was maybe 20 minutes, and after a whole day at Cedar Point, we got back to the motel room, and took showers, changed our clothes, and we were ready to go out partying that night! I met a really cute guy that night (he was also a Kevin...weird...), and he was staying in his family's cabin up there, and talked us (well, me) into skinny dipping in the lake with him. So we went, and while I was standing in the water, I pointed to what I thought was a smokestack, and asked "What's that?" He said, oh, that's Davis-Bessie. That would be the nuclear plant...!!
Okay, my pizza and salad just got here, so I need to eat...hopefully, I'll have more interesting stuff to talk about when I come back!
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

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