Friday, February 01, 2008


Wow, yesterday was amazing...most of it was, anyway...
Tif's not doing hair anymore right now...she quit a couple weeks ago, & she's a leasing agent for a new apartment complex right outside of town! I went out there for a few hours yesterday, to see her office, all the people she works with, some apartments...they're really nice, sliding door off the bedroom to the pond, lots of room in the 1-bedroom apt, walk-in closets, the only drawback that would hold me back is (well, besides the fact of this house) is that it's out of town, and I wouldn't be able to just hop on my scooter and ride around here in town...and, to me, that's unacceptable.

Hmmm....ok, ok...yeah, I just dug this picture out...Tiffany drew it in 2nd grade...
I crack my ass up! Sorry..had to!

The offices of the apartments is huge! It's not just a bunch of boxed off offices or anything, it's kinda like one big room. Which, at the moment, is great...but, you know, what happens sooner or later when one person's mad at another? You know, no matter what you might think, it's gonna happen someday!! But for the moment, it's neat! Tif has their Jack Russell mix in there with her cuz her boss has her Yorkie...oh my God, they're a hoot! But they don't cause trouble or anything, they get along really good! So, after yesterday, we were both excited cuz Tif & fiance sign papers on the house tonight (they did! woohoo!~!)...
The realtor was as happy as they were, hugs, etc, Lowe's gift card, cuz she wished every couple could be that happy. After they got done at the lawyer's office, they were going over to the house to meet some friends & go out to dinner tonight. The phone rang righjt after she had told me what was up, so I figured she was happy & jumping around. Ummm...she was jerked to beat hell, they all were! Cuz within 10 minutes of signing for the house, they go over there's flooded cuz a pipe burst from last night's weather!! At least they caught it, and turned the water off...she just needed to come over and get some the house isn't flooded to the roof or anything...I don't wanna hear the words 'bad luck' here, or anything! Nahh, it's all okay, a maintenance guy from the apartments came & checked, it just needs a new pipe, and, well, she called and came over because "Mom!! Can I come over and borrow a lot of towels, please??" My poor little Tif-Pooh-Bear!! And I heard her mutter as she stomped out the door with an armload of towels..."Guess I know where the Lowe's gift card is going..."

When I got home and crawled in bed last night, I grabbed one of my old books to read , "Soylent Green"....and that's what I've been doing for the last 24 hours! That book is so weird, especially during this election year! I'm trying to figure out which political party is spoken of as being the bad guys here. At one point you just know it's the Repulicans, the next thought is "No, it's the Democrats, this is what happens when the government thinks they're the ones who need to take care of us, cuz we're too stupid to do it ourselves...but, either way, it's 1999, all birth-control is against the law, and the USA and everywhere else is overpopulated, almost everybody is homeless, living in rusted out cars that have been there for years, cuz we ran out of oil forever ago, there's no heat or electric, and about all women have about 10 kids, that are all sick cuz it's GOOD to have babies, all the old people are half-dead, but our medicine has been good enough to keep them alive instead of them dying when their bodies wear out...and, New York City has 35 million people living in it...and there are almost 7 billion in the US...
cheerful reading, huh? This is honestly one of the best books I ever got off ebay! It's actually a screenplay of the movie Soylent Green (wait'll ya figure out what that is!), called "Make Room, Make Room!" from like 1940's or 50's!
Then the other night I woke up about 4 am, and the movie "Philadelphia" with Tom Hanks was just I had to stay awake and watch it!! And cry, of course...
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

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