Keep in mind, all these pictures are within like 8 or 10 blocks of here...this is what a small town is, even though, I guess it's technically a city...now why the hell would I want to live in the country...this is as much "nature" as I can handle! I really don't do bugs or mice or creepy things well out of choice! I'll kill bugs & spiders & crap like that cuz I live alone. And I hardly think it would be very good if I called 911 "HAAYY-ULP!!!! Something's after me!" Then the ambulance gets here, they break through the door, and I'm pointing up at a corner screaming "Right there! Right there! Hurry up, that bastard's fast! And poor little Truman would be cowering behind my legs...
I rode down to the Dollar Store this afternoon, cuz, well, just cuz. It was a great day in the mid-80's, & not a cloud in the sky!
So I get in there, and, well, y'all know what happens to you in a Dollar Store...I went in there at 3:30 & ended up not leaving until 5:30! I only spent like $65, but, remember, this was the dollar store! No, I don't think anything I bought was actually a dollar, but, c'mon! Just, well, everything I went past was something I needed! You know, Meow Mix, Fresh Step kitty litter, kitty toy, scented oil candles, vitamins, and then a leisurely buzz down the middle two aisles, that are filling up fast with Halloween stuff! Jason masks galore! And here I'd thought I was the only person who started thinking about Halloween in July! lol!
When I saw that raggedy snowball bush up there, it yanked a memory out. When I was probably 6 or 7, we were up at my grandma's farm out in the country, like we always were on Sunday afternoons. All my cousins usually were there too. Boo was my best friend out of all my cousins, she's a year younger than me, and she's the one I'm on the phone with a couple times a week now. Anyway...she has a sister that's 2 years older, and she had just gotten a minibike, a teeny one that was her size, actually, now that I think of it, it was purple! Our other cousins were there too, and we ALL wanted to ride it. Can you even imagine the noise the grown-ups were hearing?? Finally, Grandma & everyone came outside and around the garage. Boo's dad finally settled it..."Okay, everybody, PIPE DOWN & BEHAVE! You can each take a turn on it while I watch. Lori, you go first." She flashed everybody a smug, self-satisfied grin, got on, and promptly drove it straight into Grandma's big full beautiful snowball bush. Thus endeth the minibike rides...
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!
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