I had an appointment with my basic dr today, the one that's been my doctor since before I got ms, he was our dr back in, like '92...he's still my dr, I don't know for sure if he's still anybody else's. I do know that when he came in the room today, he asked how's Tom? I giggled, said he's good we're friends, we talk on the phone a cpl times a week, but, I don't have a boyfriend, don't want a boyfriend...good Lord...I have Truman, and he takes up all the spare time I've got.
I'm just going to put down what results I'm getting so far after my first iv of tysabri 7/6/09 here, just because I'm finally starting to feel like it's having an effect. I'm feeling stronger, but I've been doing physical therapy exercise twice a week with home health care, and I do all the exercises every day on my own too. And, well, I've smoked again, but about 5 cigarettes a day...and I'm okay with that, but I'll probably get some patches this weekend & see what that does. I know damn well not to ever smoke with one on...one of the women I worked with at GTE was outside on a smoke break with all of us once, and she showed us the patch she was wearing, said "It's not working" as she lit a smoke...then had to go lay down & go home because she was sick! And my appetite is really super good...heck, today before I left for my appt, I had 6 mini powdered donuts for breakfast, lunch was pork roast, mashed potatoes, gravy, mixed veg, pineapple...then I went to my appt! I am eating instead of smoking, and that's great! I got weighed today, and I'm 90 lbs, which is not great, but, it's 2 lbs up from last week, and that's a good sign! And tonight I've had pizza, potato chips & dip, and 6 regular size glazed donuts...*muffled oink*
Other than those good physical signs, I'm walking a lot better with my walker, and I can stand alone without having to hold onto anything, or lean on anything; last week once when I brushed my teeth, I used my right hand...understand, I was so excited because I've been brushing my teeth with my left hand for the last 12 years! And when I saw the dr today, I touched my nose with my right finger! Yeah, I know, woopee, but...yeah, dammit, WHOOPEE! Dr told me over & over today how great I looked & when I left he was recording his report of the visit & I heard him saying how much better my ataxia was. Oh, & I told him Tif's gonna have a baby...he said 'You're not old enough to be a grandma!' I said I know, I tried to tell her... :-)
All right...that's it for the health report...my next iv is August 4th, and now I know I'll be pretty wiped out for a few days, but if this is how I end up, well, it's more than worth it.
Awright, Glen Beck's on...I missed the first half earlier today, cuz I was nappin', so...TTFN!
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!
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