Thursday, November 08, 2007


How totally CUTE are all these?? I think thats a dragon in the stroller, but I'm not sure...then a dad and his son, then a ghost, then a ninja who captured a helpless pretty little girl...okay, that last description came out of left field, but I'm sure the ninja boy would be flattered...
All these pictures were taken without a flash, except the dragon! So, obviously, it was light at 5:30, and almost totally dark at 7:00! I love that, it was even before daylight saving! I remember years ago, when everyone was all against Halloween, trick or treat was like, on any day but the 31st, and it was from 4 pm to 6 pm! Until we got a sensible mayor...
All right, I need to shut up about Halloween...but, dammit, I had fun! Just as much as anyone in these pictures!!
So, no, I didn't go trick-or-treating & get candy myself...but, I did go over to Certified tonight and get all kinds of big 'king-size' chocolate bars, and all that. And guess what else I got Wednesday...that's right...I had the bus take me out to Fantastic Sam's and Tif, well, she gave me a totally different look! Now I have chin-length straight brown hair with a slight tinge of red! Oh, this is hard to recognize myself in the mirror these days! lol! But Tif said that looking down at my roots, my hair's natural color is a '6,7,5', what she put on me, and all the other girls were saying "I wish I had that!! I have to color to get that! (I didn't point out that was exactly why I happened to be there!) lol. Anyway, being Tif's mom gave me a substantial discount, but then she put her salesperson's skills to work on me, & I bought a bottle of shampoo, bottle of conditioner, and a bottle of for the 3...$50.00! damn!! + the huge ya think I can take that off of my taxes next year?
When I went to get candy today, it was 4:30 pm, and it was FREEZING! Especially by the time I got home!
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

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