Wednesday, June 24, 2009

...two streets over, it's sunny...

Well, I don't know for sure what this nonsense was all little Truman playing with a doll??
Does everybody remember the Huggabunch dolls? Oh, as I was typing that, I remembered! Tiff & ordered 'The Huggabunch Movie' from ebay, cuz she LOVED that movie when she was little. And the Huggabunch doll came with it! Seriously, this was obviously a looooong time ago, because Truman looks positively svelte in this picture! And my cane is over in the corner, so I was still walking. Well, I'm still walking, but with a walker, cuz a cane is NO help with my balance. Hard to imagine that balance used to be my strong point in gymnastics. The balance beam was my favorite thing! Guess I was smart to not be a gymnast as a career...would have been as much of a disaster as my having been a pianist...or a sketch artist...
Well, everybody, I got screwed out of getting the tysabri today. Surprise, surprise. The infusion girl called right after I got out of the shower today, and they're still having to get a pre-certifiction from the insurance company. But we talked to the ins co, & they said it's in a 'pending' status, but they told "infusion girl" that that means the nurses at Blue Cross already okayed it, it just needs their supervisor to okay it, but to go ahead & schedule it as soon as they have a spot for me, cuz once it's pending, it's on the way. Sooooo...teach me to get my hopes up about shit, won't it?...nahhhh...I'll get it, now on Monday July 6, scheduled the city bus for then too, & canc today' I'm ready. Tom asked tonight "But what if it gets turned down?" and I told him I'd just have to throw myself on the mercy of Biogen, I guess.
Okay...I'm done, but I do have some jokes to finish with...

From: Bin Laden, Osama []Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 8:17 AMTo: CavematesSubject: The Cave
Hi guys. We've all been putting in long hours but we've really come together as a group and I love that. Big thanks to Omar for putting up the poster that says "There is no I in team" as well as the one that says "Hang In There, Baby." That cat is hilarious. However, while we are fighting a jihad, we can't forget to take care of the cave. And frankly I have a few concerns.
First of all, while it's good to be concerned about cruise missiles, we should be even more concerned about the scorpions in our cave. Hey, you don't want to be stung and neither do I, so we need to sweep the cave daily. I've posted a sign-up sheet near the main cave opening.
Second, it's not often I make a video address but when I do, I'm trying to scare the most powerful country on earth, okay? That means that while we're taping, please do not ride your razor scooter in the background. Just while we're taping. Thanks.
Third point, and this is a touchy one. As you know, by edict, we're not supposed to shave our beards. But I need everyone to just think hygiene, especially after mealtime. We're all in this together.
Fourth: food. I bought a box of Cheez-Its recently, clearly wrote "Osama" on the front, and put it on the top shelf. Today, my Cheez-Its were gone. Consideration. That's all I'm saying.
Finally, we've heard that there may be American soldiers in disguise trying to infiltrate our ranks. I want to set up patrols to look for them. First patrol will be Omar, Muhammed, Abdul, Akbar, and Richard.
Love you lots.

Yesterday I had a flat tire. So I eased my car over to the shoulder of the road, carefully got out of the car and opened the trunk. I took out 2 cardboard men, unfolded them and stoodThem at the rear of my car facing oncoming traffic. They look so Life like you wouldn't believe it! They are in trench coats, exposing their nude bodies and private parts to the approaching drivers. I started to change my tire, and to my surprise, cars started slowing down looking at my life like men. And of course, traffic started backing up. Everybody was tooting their horns and waving like crazy It wasn't long before a Mountie pulled up behind me. He got out of his car and started walking towards me. I could tell he was not a happy camper! "What's going on here?" "My car has a flat tire," I said calmly. "Well, what the hell are those obscene cardboard men doingHere by the road?" I couldn't believe that he didn't know. So I told Him, "Hello-o-o-o, those are my emergency flashers."
I rear-ended a car this morning. So there we are alongside the road and slowly the driver gets out of the car . . . and you know how you just-get-sooo-stressed and life-stuff seems to get funny?
Yeah, well, I could NOT believe it . . . the guy was a DWARF!
He storms over to my car, looks up at me and says, "I AM NOT HAPPY!"
So, I look down at him and say, *"Oh Yeah, well, which one are you then?"*
. . . and that's when the fight started!
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

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