Tuesday, September 13, 2005


...this is SO Tiffany!!

"Libra – Librans gave birth to the term "shopaholic". These folks have every credit card known to man. And while their taste is undeniably impeccable, it can get them in trouble at bankruptcy court. What's really at stake here is a quest for beauty. Enjoying simple but inexpensive pleasures like nature walks and museums can quell the urge to splurge.

...and mine fits perfectly, too!
"Sagittarius – Archers have a bad habit of telling the truth. And while these folks have the best intentions, that doesn't take the sting out of comments like, "Gee, those pants make you look fat!" or "Were you drunk when you wrote this report?" The best way for Archers to cultivate tact is through prodigious study. Etiquette books will definitely help!

yup...that'd be me! and here I mistakenly had the impression that honesty is the best policy...
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

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