Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Kim and I...Dec 6, 2005

Okay, first of all I HAVE to put this on here...

If you look really close, you can see Jenga sitting on Santa's lap...however, don't tell anyone I put this picture on here (she's rather shy, you know?).

All right...back to the original programming...

Last night I called Kim, and she immediately said she was just thinking about calling me, because my birthday's pretty soon. We do live in the same town still, so we talk on the phone almost every day...except around Christmas, when we're both busy. So...she was telling me that she had gone to visit someone at the nursing home yesterday, and she was kinda upset about it. Not because the woman wasn't being treated right, at all, but because Kim walked in at the wrong time and saw the old lady naked & trying to get herself dressed after her bath, cuz she had told the nurse to 'leave me alone! i can do it!' I guess this woman is starting to show early signs of Alzheimer's, which Kim and everybody else know that I'm deathly scared of having myself someday! So, Kim told me about a few things that the lady said, and I told her 'shut up! i don't wanna hear about it! that'll be me someday!' She fuckin' laughed and said, "I'd just slap you in the head, and tell you to straighten the fuck up!!" Gee...what are best friends for, anyway? ;-) Well, I have to forgive her, she said she'd wipe my ass if I ever needed her to...

And she also was telling me that she was scared of being that flabby & out-of-shape...this is after she used to dog on me 20 years ago for having such a muscular, 'manly' body! Well, now I'm glad I did, cuz it's far easier to keep than it is to get! She also told me, that this woman's boobs were so saggy & floppy they moved like Slinkys when she bent over to pull up her pants! I just kinda snorted & said 'well, i hardly hafta worry about that...i'm streamlined, remember?' Okay, quit laughing & snorting pop out your nose!

BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

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