Saturday, September 01, 2007

Saturday, Labor Day weekend, 2007

Heh, heh...nothing to say here...

And just how mean and scary can my pretty-boy-swe' pea look??

And just how beautiful is she?

...and my Miller Chill...?

This is the big campout Labor Day weekend/family reunion for Kev's family...gonna be fun, Friday night was already a good time, just getting over to see a lot of people...and most aren't even in town yet!

I rode my scooter over last night around 5...that was fun...but I didn't have a headlight (or helmet, for God's sake! haha!), so someone folded my scooter up and put it in their car trunk, and took me home at 10, when I was ready to go...

Right when I got there, Tif came out & said Bro just called her cell phone with news about Mom...turns out that she had gone to her cancer doctor yesterday morning, and he had done an mri...after having a clear pet scan 3 months ago after chemo for lung cancer, now they put her in the hospital in Columbus because it's on her right frontal lobe of her brain. He said to stay where we were right then, all they're doing is admitting her to the hospital, they're going to do tests this weekend, to make sure it's operable...I called him this morning, and they're already on the way down there...he is the BEST brother! Although I would've liked to go, he said to just call her. So...I just now called her, we were talking for a minute, I asked her what she was having for lunch, and she said 'hold on, I'll look..'...and put the phone down and I guess forgot about me, cuz all of a sudden I heard Bro & wife walk in & start talking to her~! So after yelling in the phone for a few minutes, I gave up & hung up, cuz she was gonna have lunch & visitors to deal with, and that's plenty for her at once, anyway, especially dealing with this news...I'll call her later, at least I got to talk to her for a second, and she knows I'm thinking of her.

Anyway, I guess the doctor here in town last night, before he snt her to Columbus, told her that the cancer looks to be on the outside of her brain, not 'into' it...but he did say it's a big area, they're hoping they can operate Mon or Tues...please pray for her...

That's all I need to say for now...I'll be back in a day or two...


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