Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I guess I was wrong when I thought that life was done kicking me in the ass for at least a little while...teach me to think, huh? No, that's not right. Usually if that ever happens, I get over it, blah, blah, blah. But, everything since Friday still has me fucking trying to figure out which way is up or down...I've heard the term 'soul searching' before, but I truly never grasped the real concept until this weekend. Mom had a biopsy on one of her lungs Friday at the James cancer center in Columbus. She's already had a third of the other lung removed about 5 years ago...she's never had anyproblems with that one anymore,but a few weeks ago, the dr didn't like what he saw on this one, so he biopsied it Friday. My Dad didn't go to Columbus with her for the 4 days, cuz his health is not even close to being that good anymore, so my middle brother & his family have been keeping him fed, taking food over to him, etc. And my oldest brother works in Columbus, so he's been able to be at the hospital a lot with Mom. Oh, by the way...my middle brother called me Friday night...Mom has stage 4 lung cancer...
Before Kev, Tiff, & I went down there to see her for a few hours Sunday, my midddle brother called and told me that Dad had called him that morning at 8 am, and told him "I've looked all over the house all morning for your mother, and I don't think she's here. I don't think she was even home last night..."
Libby! Gotta stop...

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