Saturday, April 14, 2007

Saturay the 14th...

Is anybody too busy to get to Ohio, posthaste, and take care of a little problem I have? This reminds me of the 'Arachnophobia' movie!

And this is a unique way to pierce your tongue, isn't it? If your kid ever says "Mom, I want my tongue pierced", well, you can show them this picture and say, "Well, this is how they do it nowadays! But I'll take you...get your shoes on. Problem solved...

I'm very happy today, (why? I'm up early...for me, anyway!). But I'm already yawning, which means I might be headed back to bed soon. Well, maybe not. I just opened yesterday's mail and have a prescription for ritalin in it, which actually does help me stay awake. Isn't it weird that it calms little kids down, and as you get older, it has the opposite effect? I've heard that caffeine has a 'sleepy' effect on babies too. Not so for kids...
So, I did E's assignment about Dad's history of his family...and, even though it would've been fun, I did NOT put in anything about Dracula or Vlad the Impler being a distant relative that Grandpa & Grandma immigrated to America to hide from! I may make up a story that incorporates that, though...what would be a more 'anonymous' place to hide out than Martin's Ferry, Ohio, huh? Anyway, I called E at college to tell her it was ready and printed out, and she 'bout shit! She HATES to write, said this would've taken her weeks to do...I told her it took me an hour yesterday morning...
Actually, do you know that you can usually find just about any family history (birth certificates, death certificates, marriages) on the Utah Mormon site? Mom told me that yesterday (how does she know? she doesn't even use computers?). I said, but we're not Mormons, and she said it doesn''t matter, it's about the biggest records holder in the U.S.! Of everybody, not just Mormons! I didn't have to use it, luckily, Dad and I had talked quite a bit for the last year, and Mom filled in what I didn't already know. Dad was born in Martin's Ferry in 1917! Nope, no epidurals then!
I was remembering some of the trouble that my cousin, Boo, & I used to get into at Grandma & Grandpas's farm (Mom's family, up close to Tiffin). We always walked all over the place (100+ acres), and explored everything! There was a huge tree that had fallen down years ago, over a part of the 'crick', and in the summer, it stunk really bad cuz of the water rot and we called it 'Sewer Road'. Seriously! We'd take off outside..."Let's go to Sewer Road", and we'd walk the length of the tree on top of it, so if you fell, you'd either go in the water (eeeewwww), or worse, you'd probly fall in a patch of nettles! Then we'd end up bawling and running to the house "Grandma, Grandma!!", and she'd get out the rubbing alcohol and put it on our legs...then we'd cry more, cuz she wasn't being all gentle and patting it, but she'd tell us that was the only way to treat nettle 'bites', you can't "baby" them! And you know what? She was right! Oh, wait, it wasn't alcohol, it was Campho-Phenique!!
Then once, when we were bored with sewer road, we went out to the field in front of the house, and were walking and talking. All of a sudden , Boo yells "Snake!". I was behind her, couldn't see it, thank goodness (I was a city kid, remember, whereas Boo grew up right down the road from Grandma..she was used to this!).So, what does she do? She jumped over the snake, and scared it (scared IT? HAH!), so, of course, it turned around and started slithering through the weeds towards me!! Yell? Me?? Try SCREAM!! Oh well, more about Boo & me later...
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

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