Okay...I must admit...I'm easily amused...
I was VERY much amused last night around 12:30 am. Kevin & I were sitting in the living room watching 'Nightline', and he got up to go to bed(I'm the one who watches tv all night!) He's walking past the stairs, and I hear Tiff, all of a sudden, "Daa-aa-ad!! Dad,Dad,Dad!! Willl you come up here and get this thing....before it gets me?" Remember this is a 21 year old...she'll be 22 in October! Anyway, we looked at each other & shrugged, and he headed up the stairs. Meanwhile, I'm in the living room wondering 'what could it be? bug? spider? snake? (not a chance), bat, wolf, kangaroo, centipede?' So I just kept layin' there in the la-z-boy...all of a sudden I hear Kev laughing...so I knew it wasn't a spider, he hates them more than I do (fortunately, he'll kill them for me...if I BEG!). What was it? A friggin' CRICKET!! Oh, my God, what a baby!! Then she actually was considering sleeping down here on the couch, cuz she was afraid there'd be more, and they might get in her ears! Kevin's saying, on the way down the stairs, "It's not like it was a nest of earwigs, or anything! But come on, if you want to..." but she never did...man, that was SO friggin' funny! And he actually killed it! I told him that it's VERY, very bad luck to kill a cricket...don't even think I'm sleeping in the same bed as you!! (I did, though...and we're both still alive...so far...). Oh, and as for talking about sex with her...I did for the first time even before Kev & I started dating, so that was cool, but, when she was about 15 or 16, she brought the movie 'American Pie' home, said 'Come on, guys, let's watch this! It's funny!!'. She plops it in the dvd player, & starts it, and OMG, it WAS so frickin' funny!! But...for your 15 year-old daughter to bring it home & watch it with you?? Auuuuugggggghhhhh!! Oh well...at least she didn't get pregnant as a senior in high school (as she reminds me frequently!)...I always tell her it's cuz she had such an awesome mom & dad...of course she just coughs, and turns around...
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!