Saturday, August 06, 2005

a little bit of everything...

I'm just kinda wondering about some things today, some serious, some stupid...
Yes, I'm very glad the mainstream Muslims in our country have spoken out against the extreme terrorism, people using the Qur'an to further their own ideas, re: violence & killing of innocent civilians. So, some of their religious leaders have issued a fatwa against people who commit these acts. Which is all very well and good...but....WHY did it take the London bombings to get everyone that upset?? Where were they after the 9/11 attacks on America, where nearly 3,000 were killed??
Okay...I'm pretty resigned to the fact that there's no answer to that, here's my stupid wonderings...
A few years ago when the Russians lost the sub 'Kursk' underwater...I remember getting up & Kevin telling me a Russian sub sank. I looked at him and said, "What do they expect it to do? Fly?" Okay...that was bad, I admit it, but I'd just gotten up. But I'm thinking about this one, and there are only 7 people on it, and they're quickly running out of air to breathe. So...what's one of my first thoughts, after sympathy & prayers for them? Yep, you got me. "Well, if I was down there, I miight live longer if I killed everybody else, so they wouldn't need the air anymore" But with my luck, they'd rot and stink so bad....
All right...I need to quit...
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

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