Sunday, June 19, 2005

Father's Day is Father's Day, and I've been reading a lot of blogs, news, etc. Also giving Kev his Father's Day presents from me, ya, I know, he's not MY father, but...he did tell me a day or two after we were married that he wanted to adopt Tiffany, and that means as much to me as it does to her, believe it or not! But it was SO GOOD for Tiffany to have him as her dad all her life! And her bio-dad signed his parental rights away with no argument, which actually hurt her feelings a lot, when she was 18, and old enough to think about the meaning. But she was six when it happened, and she had only lived with me all her life, didn't even know what it was like to HAVE a dad! And this is hilarious...she knew that she would have Kev's last name, like me...but she also thought that she was going to get his middle name, too, and she would be Tiffany Allen ----! Then I told her, no, I like Tiffany Leigh...I named you that when you were born, and we won't change that! ;-) (no matter that I got her middle name from a Stephen King book I was reading while I was pregnant, 'Christine'.).
So anyway, Tiff got Kevin a shaver, and I really spoiled him! I made a card from me, and from Truman (our handsome gray cat...who follows Kev around when he gets home from work! The epitome of 'being a pussy'!), a book about Nascar racing called 'Sunday Money' which looks really good, and a $50.00 Home Depot gift card. I got Home Depot this time, because he always gets Best Buy cards, and he still has some of those left from Christmas & his birthday! They'll get used, though...
So, anyway, I read something one day that just said it all...maybe not a father's day thing, but something fathers ought to maybe remember..."The best thing a father can do for his kids is to love their mother"...just something to remember...
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

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