Wednesday, June 29, 2005

kitty stomp...

Did you EVER know that cats can stomp? Yup. They can. Truman's always been good at it, even though he's not a huge cat (11 lbs), and has no front claws (good!) Kevin and I found that out (AGAIN!) last night. Now, cats are cute, and cuddly IF they come into your bed at night, and just want to snuggle up with you, or curl up at the end of the bed, and sleep, but, noooo, not my wittle swee' pea! He waits til 3 am, and then comes up and sticks his butt in our faces, while crawling over our heads on the pillows! And then, I try to keep him off Kevin, cuz he's the one that has to get up & go to work the next day...and I doubt very much if he wants paw prints with kitty litter in them all over his face when he gets to work. So, I pull him down next to me, cuz I can sleep late the next day...but...I think we've got the only cat in the world that licks people's hands more than a dog would!! And Kevin hates that even when he's awake! So I let him do it to me, just so he doesn't try it with Kevin! And, quite often, Kev wakes up with all the slurping going on by Truman! And, trust me, he HATES waking up to that noise! The only thing he hates worse is when Truman SUCKS on the comforter on the bed!! He was doing that once, and Kevin said 'That's gross! Don't let him do that!' And I told Kevin 'Leave him alone! He's just nursing!!' Kev almost puked, but I thought it was funny! We've actually had to close the bedroom door at night, because, well, you know...anyway, when we come out of there, Tru's standing right outside the door, and runs in! Or he stands outside the door and meows as loud as he can! He's SO much worse than a little kid! I told Kevin right after I got Truman that maybe we oughtta cut a cat door in the bedroom door. And all I got for that was a dirty look. But for a long time, Truman has been Kev's cat! Even though I was the one that went to the animal shelter and picked him out! But when Kevin comes home at night, Tru's already been at the door meowing for 'Daddy' for a half hour. And when Kev walks in, Truman jumps on the table to get his "heinie" scratched, and wherever Kev goes after that, Tru follows him around like he's a dog, and Kev's told him "heel!" HOLY CRAP!! I'm the one that saved him from "the Green Mile"! Doesn't he remember that?? Okay...I'm done...
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

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