Friday, June 17, 2005


Well, I actually DID get some REAL sleep last night! I got super-tired when I was sitting here watching tv, and I went and flopped down on the bed, and woke up once, for about half an hour, but slept from basically 8:30 pm to 10 am! That is beyond weird!!
Kevin was home at lunch today, and we were talking...after he went back to work, I was thinking about the job he does at work. I worked there for 4 years, before I had to retire cuz of ms, then he went out & got hired there, just basically for the $, not cuz it was his kind of more than mine (office job...bllleeaahhhh!). But, basically, I'm VERY much more outgoing than Kevin...he's more like "If I don't know them already, I don't NEED to know 'em". oh my God, what a baby! So, everybody out at this office of about 500 people knew me, by first & last name (both are 'offbeat', to be nice...). And one of the first 4 weeks he was in training class, sitting over against the wall (I don't know why, cuz all the people like him...he's very good at the job, and helps other people if they need it), all of a sudden, this girl I knew from that office came running down the hall and busted in the door, and yelled, "Okay...who's Mr 'Libby'?" I bet he was just about ready to find a hole in the wall (or make one!), and crawl in it!! That was hilarious (to ME...not him, I don't think!). But he dealt with it...still there, five years later....still doesn't like it, though...but I was able to add to it this Feb 16, when I sent him 15 red roses at work for our 15th anniversary! I'm so glad the lady that took my order knew me!
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

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